Curriculum Overview

We are excited to be launching a brand new, interactive curriculum timeline in September 2021.

In the meantime, you can view our curriculum information below.

Curriculum Intent

Exceptionally strong leadership ensures the success of pupils at this school. Leaders
have set an ambitious vision. They ensure that pupils experience an aspirational
curriculum. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. The curriculum
is designed to give all pupils the knowledge, values and life skills they need to be
successful in the future”.
(Ofsted March 2023)

Our curriculum is imaginative, creative and purposeful; focussing both upon the promotion of essential key skills, attitudes and learning behaviours; doing so in a meaningful way using exciting themes and topics to motivate children to achieve, make progress and to “be the best they can be”. All stakeholders are committed to this as we truly believe that “together we are stronger!”

The Foundation Stage

Children in Little Grangers, the Nursery and Reception classes access the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  They engage in learning that is primarily through first hand experiences. The Foundation Curriculum has seven areas of learning. These are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language; Literacy; Physical Development; Mathematics, Expressive Arts; and Understanding the World.

The children’s progress is regularly assessed by observational assessment so that staff can plan effectively to support the development of each of the children. Children’s progress is tracked from the F1/Grangers baseline (as appropriate) through to the Foundation Stage judgement at the end of the reception year.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development is vital in the Foundation Stage. We support the children in making relationships, building their self-confidence and in managing their feelings and behaviour. This is part of everyday learning but we teach specific skills in circle time, through Jigsaw, Time to Talk and in choosing time when the children lead their learning.

Children access phonics daily in both F1 and F2 (Nursery and Reception). This initially involves speaking and listening activities and progresses to learning about letters and sounds using Read Write Inc. By the end of the foundation stage, many children can blend simple words and read simple sentences. In literacy, children apply these skills in an environment rich in language. Activities include role play, drama, small world activities and the reading area. There is a balance between adult and child led learning with the indoors and outdoors used equally to support learning. Children use their phonic skills when learning to read and write. They are supported in small groups in order to develop their basic skills and learn to label pictures, write simple sentences and make lists.

In Physical Development, children learn to move with control and coordination; to balance and climb; to move with agility and self -expression. They learn to hold one-handed tools such as paintbrushes and scissors with control and to hold and manipulate a pencil with care. They also are supported in managing their own personal hygiene and are taught what they need to do to stay fit and healthy.

Mathematics in the early years focuses on practical skills-for example: counting, ordering, addition and subtraction, doubling, halving and sharing. In the Shape, Space and Measures element there is also an emphasis on play based learning-for example: using simple shapes, measuring and weighing, filling and emptying, whilst using the correct language to describe and compare. Same Day Intervention is used from January in FS2 to accelerate progress and allow children to gain mastery in the level they are working at and to become ready for KS1.

Children are given the opportunity to use their skills imaginatively in Expressive Arts and Design. They are given the opportunity to explore and use media and materials such as paint, clay and construction equipment. Children are also encouraged to be imaginative in areas such as role play, art and dance.

In Understanding the World, children are encouraged to be curious, explore natural materials, learn about living things, and compare different places. They learn about technology, using computers and programmable toys and the wider application of technology in everyday life. Moreover they learn about people and communities; how they are different or similar to their friends and they learn about and celebrate other cultures.

Children in the Foundation Stage engage in high quality learning experiences both indoors and outdoors. Children access the outdoors on a daily basis and engage in all aspects of the FS curriculum. 

Key Stage One

We follow the National Curriculum, which is skills based and appropriate for the age of the children. Our curriculum is topic based, encouraging cross-curricular links between the subjects. Each topic is planned to engage and stimulate the children’s curiosity and interest through a variety of activities where children learn and apply new skills. There are also learning opportunities provided through out of school trips and visitors.  At the end of each topic, children are given the opportunity to review and evaluate their learning and experiences. 

The following skills are developed throughout their time with us: 

EnglishMathematicsScienceReligious Education (RE)
HistoryGeographyMusicPhysical Education (PE)
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural UnderstandingComputingArtDesign and Technology


Assessment is an integral part of teaching.  It is used to identify the next steps in learning and is used to monitor the progress that children make.  Assessment is about informed observation, monitoring of work and effective questioning which enables us to note what your child can do and what they need to do next.

Children are also engaged in self- assessment and peer- assessment/critique at an age-appropriate level, so that they can explain what they have done well and how they can improve their work even more.

Children are also assessed in line with statutory requirements.  An Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is completed at the end of their Reception year and Statutory Assessment Tests are administered at the end of Year 2.  Phonics screening also takes place at the end of Year 1.

Open evenings are held termly, when your child’s achievements and targets for improvement will be shared.

The Academic Layer
The Personal Development Layer
The Enrichment Layer
Reading Enhanced Curriculum