New EYFS Outdoor Area

“Encourage your child to have muddy, grassy or sandy feet by the end of each day, that’s the childhood they deserve.” – Penny Whitehouse.
Since February our Early Years outdoor area has been under going a transformation! Although we had a lovely artificial grassed area with lots of resources, the area was prone to flooding and was becoming so bad that the area was unusable, even in dry weather.
So Mrs Chappell did some negotiating with Delta who were able to offer funding towards our amazing new playground!
Although it’s not quite 100% finished it is enough so that the children are able to go out and enjoy this fantastic new space.
These are only some of the resources in our new playground:
A bike/scooter track with new bikes and scooters!
A construction area,
A large area dedicated to water play including equipment to see cause and effect,
A mud kitchen area – including its own mud pit!
Sand play,
Mark making areas,
A stage for all the dress up, singing and acting performances!
A bridge that crosses a river controlled by the children.