Academy Day
The school year begins in September and a meeting for the parents of new nursery and reception children coming into school will be arranged during the Summer Term.
Little Grangers – 2 Year Old Provision Nursery
Our provision is for both funded and non-funded pupils and offers both sessional and flexible places. The Government gives local authorities funding to provide a free part time childcare / early education place for all 3 and 4 year olds. A free place is also available for 2 year olds whose parent / carer meets the criteria for a free place.
For Grange Lane Infant Academy to allocate a funded place for your child, we would need to confirmation of your eligibility. This will be either in the form of a letter or a ‘golden ticket’ issued by Doncaster Council.
If you are interested in a non funded place, please contact the office for details including terms and conditions and costs.
Session times for Little Grangers are the same as those offered for the main nursery.
Children are admitted to nursery at the beginning of the school year in which they are 4 years old. The names of the children who are eligible must be given to the School Office in order for the LEA to post application packs at the appropriate time. A member of the nursery staff visits each family before the child is admitted to nursery.
During the Nursery year our aim is to provide a stimulating environment in which children feel happy and secure, and take steps to independence.
This period gives an introduction to full time education and provides a good transition from home to school.
Morning nursery is in session from 8:15 – 11:15 and afternoon is in session from 12:00 – 3:00. We also offer flexible provision which would mean taking your nursery provision over 2 days and 1.5 hours and accommodate those families entitled to 30 hours provision. We endeavour to meet the needs of the family when using the 30 hours, please discuss your needs with the nursery staff or the office.
Main School
There are three year groups in school and six classes:
- Two Reception
- Two Year 1
- Two Year 2
School opens at 8.40 and closes at 3pm. We have lunch between 12 and 1.10, children are able to choose from a variety of hot or cold meals made fresh everyday. During lunchtime there are a range of enrichment activities on offer, including Thrive, Motor Skills sessions and a variety of lunchtime clubs.
Parents are able to see the class teacher if necessary and to become familiar with school routines, but please see them at the end of the school day unless it is very urgent.
Open evenings are held termly, when your child’s achievements and targets for improvement will be shared with you.