The academy places great emphasis on the safeguarding of children and all procedures are robustly in place. Grange Lane Infant Academy has in place safeguarding and child protection policies that have been agreed by the governing body and are known to all staff. We operate safer recruitment procedures and make sure that all appropriate checks are carried out on new staff and volunteers. Children feel safe and have an identified ‘trusted person’ in school with whom they feel they can share worries and the school always gives opportunities for children to express their concerns. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Principal, Mrs L Chappell and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Kay Shaw, Pastoral Manager.
Should a child make a disclosure or you wish to report an incident, please speak with:
Mrs L.A. Chappell – Principal
Designated Safeguarding Lead 01302 868378
Mrs Kay Shaw – Pastoral Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 01302 868378
Mobile 07535091409
Mrs Nina Brannon – Head Teacher Kirk Sandall Infant School
Safeguarding Governor
All members of staff have received safeguarding training including prevent and channel awareness.
Multi Agency Referral & Assessment Unit (CMARAS) 01302 737733
Doncaster Families Information Services IFSS 0800 1384568